One of our next projects will inevitably be working on our yard's landscape.
Pretty much it's a wasteland at this point, nothing but dirt and rocks
and weeds. And because we don't have a ton of money to spend and because
we don't want to waste a lot of water, we are leaning toward a lot of
rocks and xeriscaping concepts to decorate our bland yard. See, we live
in a climate with fairly hot summers and snowy winters, so keeping
certain kinds of landscaping alive can be a bit of a challenge (and not
to mention a waste of water...I'm lookin' at YOU, lush, stretching,
green lawn!).
There is a lot of potential in this here yard. It may seem desolate now, but hopefully we can work on it to the point that it looks decent AND doesn't cost much to maintain. Like, for example, the pictures below:
Flt rocks and gravel make a flat-ish area that's great for relaxing. This would be great for a backyard patio! |
I love this look! It is a lot like the above picture, but more polished. |
Decorating with lots of rocks, shrubs, and other plants. No grass in sight, and it still looks lush and beautiful. |
They just used a nice gravel as a patio area for their table set-up. Seems simple and easy to execute. |
Bark, rocks, and stepping stones make up this garden area. And I love the decorative grasses too--these plants do well in our area.
(all images found using google...I do not own them, etc) |
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