Saturday, April 21, 2012

Idea: Gravel Path and Garden Area

We have a big-ass yard. It's a huge task to even make a final decision about what to do with it. So imagine how fun it will be to actually start the process!

The north-east section of our yard is especially a puzzle for me. There's nothing out there besides a dinky little tree. What else should be do out there?

Well, at this moment I'm thinking of doing something that's a mix between an English garden and a desert landscape. Yeah, I know, those two things really go hand-in-hand, right? But I just mean I want a nice gravel path that winds through some lovely bunches of native plants. Kind of, although not exactly, like this:

Oh yeah. Maybe a little of this:

...and this:

aaaand this:

You get the idea.

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