Monday, March 19, 2012

Why do I only eat this once a year?

Only my awful camera could make something so yummy look so unappetizing...

Corned beef. I love this stuff. Even when I was a "strict" vegetarian, I made an exception on St. Patrick's Day.

On Saturday, I tried cooking corned beef with cabbage, onion, carrots, and potatoes in the slow cooker for the first time. Success! Here is the recipe that I based my dish off of. Placing the cabbage on top of everything worked surprisingly well--I worried it would be super soggy after 8 hours, but not so!

For the first time, I used corned beef that didn't have a bunch of preservatives or one of those "seasoning packet" things. Although less salty than corned beef I've had in the past, the taste was no less delectable.

May I just say that slow cookers are pretty much magical? So much love for that ingenious invention.

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