Monday, March 5, 2012

So, I want to start a garden.

A serious garden. A garden that grows enough food to actually be substantial. And I want to do it from "scratch."

First, let me tell you what I'm up against. I live on land that is pure rock, meaning what soil there is happens to suck. It's the poorest soil you'll ever see. This heroic part of me had the silly thought of "oh, I can make it work!" But no. I went out there with a shovel and couldn't dig an inch down. This, by the way, was when the ground was "muddy." So no, I won't be planting directly in the native soil. (just a side note--when we planted trees on the property, we did indeed need to rent a jackhammer to dig the holes. A JACKHAMMER.)

Check out that exceptional soil quality!
This means raised garden beds (which we will need to build), soil brought in, and plenty of amendments to make it workable. Oh, this is going to be an adventure!

First things first: the seeds! I'm going to try starting them indoors in a couple of weeks. More on that soon.

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