Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ta da!

Here's the finished product. I found some chains with s-hooks meant for hanging plants or something, but they worked beautifully for hanging my lights. They are totally adjustable and everything! So adding those chains on to the cost, the project cost about $35 total. I'm happy! We'll see how it works with growing the seeds.

Speaking of growing seeds, whenever someone finds out what I'm doing I tend to get similar reactions.

Walmart Checker, being overly nosy in my opinion: "So what are you doing with all this stuff?"
Me: "Growing seeds indoors."
Walmart Checker: "Oh yeah? What kind of seeds?"
Me: "Garden seeds..."
Guy behind me in line: "Yeah GARDEN seeds. More like pot!"
Walmart Checker: "Haha! Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking!"
Me: "Haha....yeah, I've never heard THAT before."

It does get a little old.

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