Sunday, March 25, 2012

Materials: Check!

Another trip to Lowe's, and we now have the supplies for the garden bed.

The materials we ended up getting cost about $60. This includes screws, some drill bits, the wood, and some stakes.

We were planning to use cedar or pine as suggested in the guide we're following for this project, but the store did not have those kinds in the wood size we needed. We found Douglas Fir to be a less expensive solution, and it came in the right size. I understand that this kind of wood will rot faster, but since we are only planning to stay in this house for a few years it should be okay in the long run. Hopefully it will hold up as long as we're here, but I don't really know what to expect. This is all one big adventure, isn't it?

We've estimated that the cost of soil to fill the bed will probably be another $60, since we can literally use none of the native soil and will need to bring everything in. This little project is getting somewhat expensive, but I knew going in that starting up would require an initial cost.

Now to put the thing together.

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